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Tag: Debugging & Optimizing
Variable Severity Logging
Most software products and logging frameworks produce entries in their log files with different severity levels (say, from Debug to Severe). Then, you can configure which...
Graphical Thread Dumps
I am surprised by the high number of Java developers I meet that do not know what a Java Thread Dump is or how to generate one. I find it a very powerful tool, and it is...
Graphical Thread Dumps (graph)
Each box (node) represents a Thread in the JVM. When a Thread is waiting on a monitor locked by another Thread, an arrow points from the waiting Thread to the one that...
Micro and Blind Optimizations
Yesterday, a good friend of mine and ex-coworker contacted to me to share his frustration. (he hates to be called "Polino", so I won't.. doh!) He finished a software...